What are the Points to Consider When Buying a Housing? (Part 5)

 Electricity, Telephone and Lighting System

  1. Is the electrical system capable of bearing the load of your electrical devices? Expert support is required.
  2. Have you visited the residential areas and checked whether there are enough and suitable lighting outlets to meet your needs? (For example, can you use your electrical devices without the need for extension cables?)
  3. Are sockets, switches and lighting elements working?
  4. Are the fuses controlling the sockets and lighting elements in the spaces arranged separately?
  5. Have you taken measures to ensure that electrical cables and sockets do not pose a danger, especially to children? (For example, does it have lids or locks?
  6. Is the electrical installation grounded?
  7. Are sockets and switches placed in appropriate places and in a way that does not create visual pollution?
  8. Older or disabled users should use sockets, switches, etc. can access the staff easily? (For example, are their ground clearance suitable?)
  9. Are outlets protected against water and steam in wet places such as bathrooms and kitchens?
  10. Are the keys in the spaces close to the door entrances?
  11. If there is more than one lighting element in residential areas, can you save energy by using it gradually (For example, can you use the lighting elements that are far from the window independently?)
  12. Is there a telephone line in the residence?
  13. Is there a cable TV line?
  14. Computers etc. in the residence. Are data cables installed in appropriate numbers and locations for the devices?
  15. Do devices such as doorbell, intercom and camera work?
  16. Have any measures been taken to save energy or to increase security in the lighting system in the common areas of the building? (For example, are there devices such as motion detectors?)
  17. Are there outlets for electrical devices that can be used in areas such as gardens and balconies outside the residence?
  18. Can lighting elements outside the residence be controlled from inside the house? (For example, can you illuminate the stairwell without opening the door?)
  19. Is there a generator in the residence?
  20. Has measures been taken against lightning strikes in the building or around the building? expert support is required.

Heating – Cooling – Ventilation System

  1. If your building is newly built, do you have a heat requirement identity card? (This document gives you an idea about how much fuel you will consume for heating and the thermal insulation of your building) Expert support is required.
  2. Have you learned the type of heating system (central / individual) and the type of fuel used in heating (gas, coal, electricity, etc.)?
  3. Depending on the type of fuel (solid or liquid fuel) used in the heating system of the building, is an area considered where the fuel can be safely stored? Expert support is required.
  4. Boiler, air conditioner, combi etc. are the devices working?
  5. When was the last time that the heating-ventilation-cooling system of the building underwent maintenance-repair-renovation? (Make sure that necessary safety precautions are taken in the heating system of the building.)
  6. Solar etc. for heating / ventilation / cooling in the building. Does it benefit from alternative energy sources?
  7. Is the heating / ventilation / cooling system designed in such a way that it can be activated gradually in different parts of the house? (For example, can only selected areas of the dwelling be heated?)
  8. Did you get information about the performance of the heating-ventilation-cooling system of the building in the past years?
  9. Are the pipes and channels used in the heating system insulated? Expert support is required.

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