Cattle Breeding | Farm Setup

Cattle breeding is known as a business line dating back to ancient times in our country. Although cattle breeding, which requires great care and attention, is a profitable business field, it should be done within the framework of certain rules. Since both the meat and milk of bovine animals are the basic foods in demand in our country, the production in this area is continuous. However, before starting activities in this field, it is necessary to obtain information on the cost of cattle farm establishment, cattle breeding grants and state supports and similar issues and start with a solid project.

Cattle breeding is an animal husbandry activity that can be carried out in almost every region of our country. The main reason for this is that our country has suitable conditions for cattle breeding in terms of climatic conditions. The main nutrient element of cattle is known as grassland. In this respect, our country is a favorable position. In addition, the increase in urbanization in recent years has caused a deficit in the field of cattle breeding. Considering this issue, cattle breeding is among the profitable business branches.

Cattle breeding can be done for different purposes. In this direction, a cattle farm should be established within the scope of these purposes. If we look in general terms, the successful progress and profit of cattle breeding depends on the establishment of the farm, which is the basic element of breeding. For this reason, before starting the cattle breeding activity, all factors such as budget calculations, area selection, requirements for building shelters, procurement of equipment, animal purchase should be taken into consideration and the closest cost calculation should be made.

Those who want to breed cattle should first act within the framework of certain rules. Although cattle breeding, which consists of certain stages, is a high income sector, care, patience and attention are the main factors in this field. Stages such as shelter setup, area selection, animal purchase, care and feeding are included in cattle breeding. Failure to implement these steps correctly will result in damage to the operator.

If we start with the establishment of the shelter, at this stage, the right place should be chosen for the health and comfort of the animals.

The cattle farm consists of areas such as barn, dairy, silage warehouse, infirmary, caretaker’s house, septic tank, travel areas, lodging and watch box. In choosing a place for the farm, an area that is not suitable for agriculture should be preferred.

Those who want to breed cattle should definitely not choose land that is difficult to drain. Generally, areas with less slope should be preferred.

Shelters also need to be built near fountains or other water sources. At the same time, regular ventilation of the shelters is very important for the health of the animals. For this reason, the wall height for ventilation in semi-open or fully closed barns should be an average of 4 m for 50 cattle, and 5 m or more for 50 animals above the head. Especially in closed barns, the window cost should be taken into account and the windows should be close to the roof.

Cattle Breeding | Farm Setup and Cost

Cattle breeding is known as a business line dating back to ancient times in our country. Although cattle breeding, which requires great care and attention, is a profitable business field, it should be done within the framework of certain rules. Since both the meat and milk of bovine animals are the basic foods in demand in our country, the production in this area is continuous. However, before starting activities in this field, it is necessary to obtain information on the cost of cattle farm establishment, cattle breeding grants and state supports and similar issues and start with a solid project.

Cattle breeding is an animal husbandry activity that can be carried out in almost every region of our country. The main reason for this is that our country has suitable conditions for cattle breeding in terms of climatic conditions. The main nutrient element of cattle is known as grassland. In this respect, our country is a favorable position. In addition, the increase in urbanization in recent years has caused a deficit in the field of cattle breeding. Considering this issue, cattle breeding is among the profitable business branches.

Cattle breeding can be done for different purposes. In this direction, a cattle farm should be established within the scope of these purposes. If we look in general terms, the successful progress and profit of cattle breeding depends on the establishment of the farm, which is the basic element of breeding.

For this reason, before starting the cattle breeding activity, all factors such as budget calculations, area selection, requirements for building shelters, procurement of equipment, animal purchase should be taken into consideration and the closest cost calculation should be made.

Those who want to breed cattle should first act within the framework of certain rules. Although cattle breeding, which consists of certain stages, is a high income sector, care, patience and attention are the main factors in this field.

Stages such as shelter setup, area selection, animal purchase, care and feeding are included in cattle breeding. Failure to implement these steps correctly will result in damage to the operator.

If we start with the establishment of the shelter, at this stage, the right place should be chosen for the health and comfort of the animals. The cattle farm consists of areas such as barn, dairy, silage warehouse, infirmary, caretaker’s house, septic tank, travel areas, lodging and watch box. In choosing a place for the farm, an area that is not suitable for agriculture should be preferred. Those who want to breed cattle should definitely not choose land that is difficult to drain. Generally, areas with less slope should be preferred.

Shelters also need to be built near fountains or other water sources. At the same time, regular ventilation of the shelters is very important for the health of the animals. For this reason, the wall height for ventilation in semi-open or fully closed barns should be an average of 4 m for 50 cattle, and 5 m or more for 50 animals above the head. Especially in closed barns, the window cost should be taken into account and the windows should be close to the roof.

Considering that cattle spend most of their lives lying and resting, soft pads should be used instead of concrete floors. Care should be taken that animal shelters are comfortable rather than show-off. At the same time, animal wastes must be stored in accordance with environmental conditions. For this, the direction of the wind should be taken into account so that the odor coming from the waste warehouse in the facilities is not disturbing.

Another issue applied within the scope of cattle breeding is animal purchase. During the animal purchase, it is necessary to consider the purpose of operation of the enterprise. In terms of yield, cattle breeds are divided into dairy cattle, beef cattle and cattle with combined yield.

At the same time, care and feeding conditions should be paid attention to in order to profit from livestock farming, and animal purchases should not be made above the animal capacity of the shelter.

If we talk about the feeding conditions, the most ideal feed for cattle is roughage. The best quality roughage is meadow grass. Therefore, a farm should be set up close to meadow areas. It should not be forgotten that the feed given to cattle during feeding actually feeds the microorganisms in the rumen. For this reason, roughage should be preferred to keep the tripe full. Especially for a quality cheese production, it is beneficial to give only meadow grass.

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