It is one of the western districts of Istanbul. There are Marmara Sea in the south and Avcılar in the east. There are Büyükçekmece districts in the west and Esenyurt districts in the north. Its area is 360 km2.


It is one of the districts of Istanbul that do not have slums. There are mass housing projects and luxury sites in the district. According to the research conducted by the municipality, 40 percent of the residents are university graduates.


Beylikdüzü is one of the most cosmopolitan districts of Istanbul. A considerable number of foreign citizens reside in the district. Beylikdüzü district is at the standard of a European city with its green areas exceeding 10 m² per person. Almost every street and avenue of Beylikdüzü district has trees at symmetrical intervals.

It has wide streets, boulevards, pavements and green areas. It represents the most planned and urbanized new face of Istanbul. Beylikdüzü continues to grow even greener.


Especially after the 1999 Marmara earthquake, the residents of Istanbul who moved to Beylikdüzü received a great migration and started to grow.


It has suffered a second wave of immigration with the construction of the Metrobus. The population of Beylikdüzü has been formed by migration. Since it is a relatively newly established settlement, it is a district that embraces every visitor and does not have any classification. The popularity of Beylikdüzü has increased a lot recently.

It has become the center of attraction for qualified housing investment. Beylikdüzü has become the district with the highest earnings for its investors as the region with the highest premium in Istanbul.


The average temperature of sea water on the beaches of Beylikdüzü is 14.4 ° C.

The annual average rainfall is 54.2 mm, with a minimum in August and a maximum in December. December is the month when the winds are most prevalent. The maximum snow thickness in Beylikdüzü is 60 cm.


It is 150 meters above sea level. For this reason, there is more humidity than the central districts of Istanbul. It has a clean and windy weather. Winters are harsh. Since there are wooded areas almost everywhere in Beylikdüzü, seasonal transitions turn into a visual feast.

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