Things to Consider in Cattle Barn Setup

Prefabricated concrete installation, namely barn construction, is very important during cattle breeding. Although the physical characteristics of the animals are good, the fact that the barns do not provide the desired conditions prevents the desired efficiency. For this reason, some issues should be taken into consideration within the scope of things to be considered in the establishment of cattle barn. The most important of these factors are the temperature and humidity conditions of the barn.

First of all, the area where the barn will be built must be determined. It is not right to build a barn in any area. The area where the facility will be built should have a slight slope and the ground should be inclined towards the south facade. At the same time, the region chosen for animal waste should be selected by considering the direction of the wind. Brick selection is the most ideal choice for the base construction of the barn. For this, the preferred bricks should be built on solid ground. However, stone or concrete floors can also be preferred.

When it comes to setting up a bovine barn, another important point is that the ground area of ​​the barn is inclined at an average of 1% to the manure pit. In this way, the urinary tract is better connected to the manure pit. Barn walls, on the other hand, should be made of heat-proof materials. Brick, reinforced concrete and adobe are suitable for this. The height of the barn should also be taken into account in the construction of an ideal barn for cattle breeding. At the same time, ventilation systems should be installed correctly and a healthy living environment should be created in this way.

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