What are the Points to Consider When Buying a Housing? (Part 3)

Kitchen and Bathrooms

  1. Does the bathroom / kitchen get natural light?
  2. Can the bathroom / kitchen be ventilated easily?
  3. Are the kitchen sizes suitable for your needs?
  4. Dishwasher, washing machine etc. in the kitchen and bathroom. Is there enough and suitable space left for electrical devices?
  5. Dishwasher, washing machine etc. in the kitchen and bathroom. Are there plumbing connections for the devices?
  6. Are mechanical, electrical, electronic fixed devices working in bathrooms and kitchens?
  7. Is there a hot water installation in the kitchen?
  8. Does the building’s heating system always provide hot water?
  9. Are taps and taps in the bathroom and kitchen working?
  10. Does hot water reach taps and batteries in a reasonable time?
  11. Are bathroom and kitchen cabinets adequate for your needs?
  12. Is the height of bathroom and kitchen cabinets suitable for your use?
  13. Are there any cracks, breaks or water leaks in equipment such as sinks, bathtubs, and dreams?

Walls, Ceilings and Floors

  1. Have the outer walls of the building and, where necessary, floors have been insulated? (For example, black stains, mold, etc. problems seen on the walls indicate that water and heat insulation is not applied) Expert support is required.
  2. Is the level of sound insulation in the building sufficient? (Can you sit without hearing the voices of the neighbors?) Need expert support.
  3. Is the ambient noise coming from outside disturbing?
  4. Has water insulation been made where necessary? (Especially, lack of waterproofing on the basement floor may damage the building’s carrier system) Expert support is required.
  5. Cracking, spilling, swelling, mold, fading, etc. on walls, ceilings and floors. are there any problems
  6. Are the floors of places such as balconies and terraces suitable for easy removal of water?
  7. Can the floor coverings be cleaned easily?
  8. Are bathroom and kitchen floors safe against slipping?
  9. Opening, separation, etc. at the joints of skirtings with floors and walls. are there any problems? Have special solutions been considered for transitions between spaces covered with different flooring materials?

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