What Are The Points To Consider When Buying A Housing?   (Part 4)

Doors And Windows

  1. Are the door widths sufficient? (Make sure that furniture and white goods can be brought in and out easily.)
  2. Are the size and number of doors and windows suitable for you to benefit from sunlight sufficiently?
  3. Do doors and windows work properly?
  4. Are the doors and windows complete?
  5. Is there thermal insulation on doors and windows?
  6. Is there sound insulation on doors and windows?
  7. Are there any deterioration due to water and moisture in doors, windows, thresholds and windowsills?
  8. Are there any signs of water leakage from the windows and doors opening to the facade (balcony door, street door, etc.)?
  9. Breaking / splitting etc. at the joints of windows and windowsills. are there any problems?
  10. Do you know that windows can be easily cleaned from the outside?

Roofs and Basements

  1. Has the roof been waterproofed? Expert support is required.
  2. Is thermal insulation made on the roof? Expert support is required.
  3. Roof folds, tears, etc. are there any damages? (Find out when the roof was last serviced.)
  4. Basement floor heating system and so on. If the devices related to the systems are installed, have you learned whether the way these devices are placed is in accordance with the standards? Expert support is required.
  5. Can the basement be ventilated easily?
  6. Have you visited the residence after a rainy day to get an idea of ​​the performance of the roof and basement floor?

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