What Is Cattle Farming?

Cattle reared in Turkey horses, donkeys, cows, calves, oxen and calves. While the meat and milk of the animals are generally used, animals such as donkeys and horses are used for transportation. There are many factors affecting the yield in cattle breeding. The most important of these is seasonal conditions. It is difficult to breed cattle in regions where the winter seasons are cold and the summer months are dry. For this reason, poultry such as turkeys, chickens and roosters are grown in these regions.

One of the factors affecting productivity in livestock is the amount and quality of feed. With the increase in feed quality and quantity in recent years, export figures of meat and milk have reached high levels. More than half of the pastures have been improved with the innovations made in the agricultural field. New vaccines and medicines also make animal diseases much less common.

Animal breeds need to be improved in order to make cattle breeding much more efficient. The decrease in the number of early slaughter in the last five years is also among the factors that positively affect cattle breeding.

Turkey’s climate and geographical conditions are favorable for livestock. Especially the abundance of steppes plays an important role in the development of pasture livestock. In Europe, after France, the country with a maximum of cattle Turkey.

In Which Regions Is Cattle Breeding Made Most?

Marmara and Aegean Regions are the two regions where barn animal husbandry is made the most. Pasture stock breeding is common in Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia regions. city ​​where most cattle are raised in Konya, Turkey. More than 600 thousand cattle are fed in Konya. The number of cattle raised in İzmir is close to 500 thousand.

What Are Bovine Animals

Animals that have a lot of meat and are very large while alive are called big heads. All animals such as cows, calves, oxen, camels, horses and donkeys are called bovine animals. However, the meat of all these cattle is not eaten. Animals whose meat is eaten are also more expensive than other animals. These animals, which have a very good place in the economy of the country, have a great place in the economy. For this reason, there are people engaged in cattle breeding in almost every province.

Care of Bovine Animals

Animals, whose care and feeding are very costly, eat different foods and their environment in summer and winter. For this reason, it is necessary to create an environment and to be away from the city in order to trade cattle. In addition, these animals that need to be kept in places called large dairies should be protected against moisture and cold.

Commercial Activities Utilizing Cattle

Many peasants, who are generally farmers, own cattle and sell their milk to help the home economy. In addition, many companies that turn this business into large commercial activities also buy milk from these villagers. The fat of the milk taken is separated in factories and divided into cheese and yoghurt production. We can say that the best answers to the questions given as what are bovine animals are those whose meat and milk are used in commercial activities such as cows, buffalo, ox and camels. Naturally, the places of care for such animals are in Central Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia, as the climate is suitable.

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